Tuesday, February 24, 2009

iPhoto Project!

AHH this project has been so much fun.  At first, I was a bit confused, but my sweet computer's teacher helped me out so it's all good.  I'm doing this project using iPhoto where I gather a bunch of pictures that describe me/spell out my name/represent what I love and it plays with a song.  So kind of like a music video but with pictures.  I think it's so neat to make a video like this.  All of my pictures turned out okay-ish but I love my song!  I like the fact I'm showing people a little of my life.  This has been by far the coolest project yet. (:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Serene skyviews were enjoyed across planet Earth earlier this week with a young crescent Moon low in the western sky just after sunset. Recorded on June 7, this colorful example includes a quiet beach in the foreground with the city lights of Lisbon, Portugal, and the Sintra Mountains along the horizon. Posing between cloud banks, the Moon's slender, sunlit arc represents only about 1 percent of the full lunar disc. The rest of the Moon's nearside is faintly visible though, illuminated by Earthshine. Awaxing crescent Moon creates a lovely western sky.

This beautiful picture was taken on my birthday, June 7th, 2008, in Lisbon Portugal.  It was impossible deciding which picture to choose, but this one was my favorite in the end.  I picked it because of the shore and all the city lights, my dream city you could say.  Without a doubt I will live somewhere like this place when I'm older, watch me.

Bonnell, Jerry. Astronomy Picture of the Day. Ed. Robert Nemiroff. Michigan Tech. U. 18 Feb. 2009 .

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Michael Phelps

So, Michael Phelps, pot head or not?  I'm gonna have to go with no.  Not that he's innocent or anything, but one video doesn't make someone a drug addict, like people have made it out to be.  Yes, he did do drugs don't get me wrong.  But, I personally think people are getting a little too involved.  He's what?  Mid 20's if that?  He clearly was just trying to have fun and got a little too crazy, just like every other young human being.  The only disappointing part about it, I think, is that after the olympics he became every girl/boy swimmer's biggest fan and after what happened it was kind of just a let down.  All in all, in my opinion, this whole think was blown way out of proportion. Have a good day :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Music (:

Music is probably my anti-drug.  I don't go through one day without it.  It calms me down, pumps me up, even puts me to sleep.  My favorite kinds of music would have to be acoustic/rock/.  Mayday Parade and Dashboard Confessional have my heart forever, they're my favorite bands.  I also love Secondhand Serenade and Hinder.  I went to a Hinder concert a couple years ago, it was probably the best time of my life!  The guitar in general puts me in a good mood though, especially the acoustic guitar.  The reason I love music so much is that there are so many different genres that just relate to anyones lifestyle/mood.

Housing Crisis

Well, I personally don't feel bad for people who lose their homes yet I don't totally blow those people off.  I choose to look at it in this way: Why did they lose their homes and what kind of people are they?  If it's someone who's high on drugs 99% of the time and they're unemployed they obviously did it to themselves so what's the point of feeling bad?  But, if it's someone who's going through tough times and isn't coming up with the money fast enough I think the government should step in.  Give them a couple more months or even help them get the money somehow.  All in all if your living your life in a great way, supplying your family with what they need I don't think you'll have any worry of losing your house.